Thursday, March 3, 2016

Small Accomplishments #1

These types of posts will be short and sweet and less "educational/lecturing." I'm just going to tell you something small I chose to do (or not do) today (or recently) that made me feel good. I encourage everyone reading this to comment on something they did that makes them feel good!! No act is too small. It could even be something like "I have the select-a-size paper towels and I only used the smaller piece instead of an unnecessary huge piece."

Today I helped Kier pack his lunch. We used a reusable zip-lock bag for his sandwich and packed a cloth napkin. For breakfast we went to a local coffee shop and we both brought thermoses which they gladly let us use for our coffee and tea.

SPREAD THE EARTH LOVE! Bragging time! Please comment about what you did that makes you feel good!

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